Establishing and maintaining population-based cancer registries in developing countries is challenging. The quality and richness of the GPBCR database of 1999-2007 that contained 33,652 confirmed cancer cases was recognized by its publication in the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)’s Cancer Incidence in 5 Continents monographs of 2008 and 2014, as one of only 8 registries with outstanding quality from Africa.
The successes of the GPBCR were achieved through creative ideas for overcoming challenges during the inception and maintenance of the registration process. At the inception, adapting the IARC registration software and obtaining reliable census, mortality, and geographic information were among the critical tasks.
During the registration process, birthdates, national identification numbers, new
sources of data, priorities for data collection and registration, revising data
forms for new variables, linkage between the census and mortality records, manuals
and guidelines, multiple cancer primaries, personnel substitution, registration
of non-residents, CanReg 4 limitations, phone checks, and duplicate name prevention
were among the challenges. While the GPBCR is continuing its expansion in
quality registration and developing programs in education and research, the
registry continues to serve as resource for improving cancer registration in
the region and globally. The GPBCR is capable of helping groups in establishing
cancer registries through assistance in developing appropriate registration
forms, advising on field logistics, training of registry personnel,
trouble-shooting of technical data problems, using incomplete and inconsistent
data, and setting-up databases for cancer research.
Funding Sources: This work has been funded by the Office of International Affairs of the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; the Middle East Cancer Consortium and The Ministry of Health & Population Egypt.