Background:Kyrgyzstan is a small mountainous country in Central Asia.Climatic zones ranging from the desert to eternal snow and glaciers on the relatively small territory.This is a multiethnic country – with more than 80 different ethnic groups.Main group are Kyrgyz-71%,smaller groups are Uzbeks- 14%,Russinas-7, 8%.Most population aggregates are located at elevation from 400 to 4000 meters above sea level.
Aim:To determine the priorities of providing the cancer care in different regions.
Methods:We used statistical methods using standards adopted in the country.
Results:Cancer incidence in Kyrgyzstan was 81.5 per 100,000 in 2010.Most frequent localizations are: gastric cancer-11.9 per 100,000, breast cancer -8.5, lung cancer and cervix cancer- 7.0. The highest incidence is registered in the capital Bishkek 126.1 per 100,000 (2007) and the lowest in Batken region (48.8).We would like to point out the relatively high cancer incidence in Naryn region (91.0 per 100,000),most of the population of the region live at medium and high elevation.At the other high elevation regions of Kyrgyzstan and Gorno-Badakshan region of Tajikistan the cancer incidence is much lower.This might be related to the nuclear tests conducted in Lob-Nor (China) in eighties of the last century, which significantly affected the level of the radioactivity in the neighboring Naryn region of the Kyrgyzstan.In 1997 cancer incidence in the same region was 48,7 per 100,000.Figures of the incidence among different ethnic groups show the higher prevalence of the cancer among Russians, Ukrainians and Caucasians compared to Kyrgyz and other ethnicities.
Conclusions:Thus, although cancer prevalence in Kyrgyzstan is not very high, but there are plenty of problems related to research of the morbidity and mortality.However the lack of funding for research does not warrant provision of the accurate data and therefore limits the possibilities of providing adequate care for cancer patients.