E-poster Presentation 2014 World Cancer Congress

The National Cancer Registry of Uruguay: a model for sustainable cancer registration in LATIN-AMERICA (#718)

Maria Munoz 1 , lucia delgado 1 , Mariela Garau 2 , Carina Musetti 2 , Rafael Alonso 2 , Enrique Barrios 2
  1. Comisión Honoraria de Lucha contra el Cáncer, Montevideo, Uruguay
  2. National Cancer Registry- URUGUAY, Honorary Committee to Fight Against Cancer , Montevideo, URUGUAY


 The National Cancer Registry of Uruguay(NCRU) was created by law in 1984. In 2002  government decided to attach it to the Honorary Committee to Fight Against Cancer(HCFAC), an organization ruled by public law, supported by governmental funds but operationally independent from the State. This Institution has a wide spectrum of programs regarding cancer control (population education for cancer prevention, early detection of breast and cervical cancer programs, others).


Methods: NCRU started recording cancer incidence in the capital city Montevideo(MVD) and cancer mortality in the whole country in 1987 . Since being included in the (HCFAC) in 2002, systematic cancer registration has been extended to cover the whole country, providing essential data for the National Cancer Control Program (2005). Further, NCRU is linked with the national cervical and breast cancer prevention programs. NCRU employs 8 staff in its central unit and actively collects data throughout the country through 30 registrars.


Along its 20 years, NCRU has published several cancer incidence and mortality atlas and scientific papers in peer reviewed journals.

Incidence data for capital city (Montevideo) were published in Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CIFC), volumes 7 and 8. NCRU data covering the whole country for the first time were included in the last volume (X) of CIFC , and its quality of data has ranked in the highest category. NCRU is committed in the Global Initiative for Cancer Registration(IARC).  More recent incidence and mortality data are presented.


Thanks to this particular institutional insertion and funding model, the NCRU achieved stability, allowing it to supply useful information to the National Cancer Control Program. Considering encouraging progress and the recent global initiatives, this model could be considered by other countries (particularly these corresponding to low and middle income status) in order to develop and sustain cancer registration.