Marcelo Calil
Graduated in medicine, specialization in Doctorate and Masters degrees from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo.Currently the Clinical diretor and coordenator in education of the Instituto Brasileiro de controle do Cancer(Brazilian institute of control of the cancer), where I effectively work on the formation on medics especialized in the oncology área.
Participates and organizes courses and cientific events in Brazil and in several other countries,and such dids contribuites for his dynamic and versatile vision of facts.
Effective member of ethics and research commiitee of IBCC, regulating with prudence the academic activities.
Acumulates several participations in the mídias, spreeding knoledge about prevention and diagnoses to the population in a very accessible and practical way.
Participates together with the press office and The Council of Fashion Designers of America in the publicity campaign O câncer de mama no alvo da moda® ( the breast cancer in the fashion`s target), that has as a main goal the premature prevention and detection of the breast cancer . The organizer of many events related to the campaign, such as the race and walk against breast cancer , that thousands of people participates among the country.
His academic dedication in graduation, post graduation and updates for professional in the fight against cancer gave him many prizes and honors.
Possess experience in the elaboration and implementation o public policy related to Saude da Mulher (woman`s healthy) in Sao Paulo,where acted in a decisive way in prevention, premature detection , treatment and rehabilitation of woman affected by cancer . Thus , developed skills to plan and execute healthy measures, mainly to socio-economic low level populaton that are more exposed to healthy risks.
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