Hans H Storm 2014 World Cancer Congress

Hans H Storm

Hans Henrik Storm, MD (1976 University of Copenhagen), from April 1st 2014 Medical Vice CEO (Medical Director), Danish Cancer Society, Director of Cancer Prevention and Documentation, Danish Cancer Society 1997-2014, Director of the Danish Cancer Registry 1985-1997and first affiliated with the Danish cancer registry 1977. He was Acting Director for the Division for Cancer Epidemiology 1991 to 1996, is board member of the European Network of Cancer Registries and the International Association (IACR) 1990, General Secretary 1996 and President 2000-2004. He has been board member of the Association of Nordic Cancer Registries since 1985 and Director of the Nordic Summer School in Cancer Epidemiology since 1993. He initiated the NORDCAN collaboration and software. He is a co-author of the European Cancer Code, appointed as WHO cancer expert and to the Danish Data Protection Council. He has over 325 publications (102, 1st author) in descriptive and analytical cancer epidemiology. Areas for analytical studies are radiation, cytotoxic agents, immunosuppression, multiple primary cancers, and evaluation of cancer control.

Abstracts this author is presenting: