E-poster Presentation 2014 World Cancer Congress

Changing the Cancer Landscape by 2037: The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC)’s Approach to Driving Outcomes and Measuring Performance (#802)

Andrea Reed 1 , Melanie Mayoh 1 , Lee Fairclough 1 , Rami Rahal 1
  1. Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, Toronto, Canada

Background & Context:

 CPAC was established in 2007 by the Government of Canada to enable a collaborative approach to implementing the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control. CPAC works with partners to effect change faster, more effectively and more efficiently.


In 2012, CPAC, with its partners, developed a Performance Measurement (PM) Strategy using an evidence-informed theory-of-change, which describes the 30-year impact of a CPAC-enabled, coordinated, and collaborative approach to cancer control. CPAC measures and tracks performance to demonstrate that its initiatives and programs, the collaborative model, and broader cancer control system are achieving the cancer strategy’s immediate (2017) outcomes and laying the foundation for achieving intermediate (2027) and ultimate (2037) outcomes.


CPAC measures and tracks performance by beginning with the state of evidence, selecting appropriate indicators, establishing targets, analyzing gaps and determining recommendations for priority focus. The result is performance measurement that directly informs continued quality improvement and investment.

Programme/Policy Process:

CPAC works with partners to set evidence-based targets and identify gaps between current and desired performance levels, signaling where improvements may be made. Within its evaluation framework, CPAC’s portfolios have identified targets, related to the immediate and intermediate outcomes, for their indicators. Indicators have also been developed to assess CPAC’s specific contribution to efficiency and acceleration of cancer control.

To gauge progress against longer-term outcomes, CPAC developed a multiple-methods design for knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) monitoring and evaluation to measure the effectiveness of KTE efforts supporting implementation of the cancer strategy and achievement of outcomes.

Outcomes/What was learned:

The development and implementation of a PM Strategy for cancer control is a leading practice for countries with a federated health policy environment. With sustained, focused effort, Canada’s cancer community will change how Canadians experience cancer by 2037. Measuring and reporting on the impact of this work is critical.