People affected by cancer and the broader community are seeking to be active participants in decision making about their health and contributing to healthcare more broadly. Evidence strongly indicates that where people accessing healthcare are fully informed and involved in decision-making, this leads to better health outcomes, improved safety and a more trusted health system. Cancer Australia, the national cancer control agency is taking a leadership approach in promoting the integral role of consumers in patient centred cancer control and harnessing their valuable expertise in shaping cancer care.
A national approach to strengthen and integrate consumer engagement in cancer control for better health outcomes.
Inclusive governance, participatory, evidence based, consumer reference groups and resource testing. Participants, including consumers, executives, health professionals, researchers and policy makers, involved in developing and implementing approaches and resources to support meaningful consumer engagement. The values, preferences and contribution of people with cancer were central to success.
Cancer Australia has engaged the cancer control sector nationally and internationally in the development of: National Framework for Consumer Involvement in Cancer Control; Consumer Involvement Toolkit; Consumer Learning; and Australian Cancer Trials, consumer friendly websites to guide organisations in integrating consumer involvement in cancer control. Cancer Australia has engaged over 50 organisations and 500 consultations from across Australia and internationally in the development of Frameworks, tools and resources to assist organisations committed to meaningful consumer engagement for better health outcomes.
Development of an internationally recognised and nationally agreed consumer engagement framework, freely accessible case studies from experts in the field, online tools and resources to support consumer engagement. Cancer Australia’s resources encourage everyone involved in healthcare to open a dialogue and work together with consumers, recognising it can lead to positive change across the continuum of cancer care. These resources have universal relevance internationally.