Rapid Fire Session 2014 World Cancer Congress

Advancing tobacco dependence treatment services through training: King Hussein Cancer Center and Global Bridges spearheading change in the region (#352)

Rasha K Bader 1 , Hiba Ayub 1 , Nour Obeidat 1 , Iyad Ghonimat 1 , Feras I Hawari 1
  1. King Hussein Cancer Center, Amman, Jordan

Background and Context:

In addition to cancer prevention, quitting tobacco improves cancer patients' treatment outcomes and survival, and reduces risk of developing recurring cancers. Despite the need, Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) suffers a shortage of tobacco dependence treatment (TDT) services. Article 14 of FCTC emphasizes training of healthcare professionals (HCPs) to expand TDT services1. Results from Global Health Professions Student Survey (GHPSS) and a 2007 survey of training programs indicate a shortage of TDT training in the region2,3.


Recognizing the shortage in TDT competence, curricula, and staff to teach, King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) -regional host for Global Bridges- embarked on training HCPs in EMR. Outcomes are assessed against Moore et al’s expanded CME assessment framework4.


KHCC developed an evidence-based curriculum that responds to regional needs. Workshops prepare trainees to value TDT as an integral component of tobacco control, practice TDT, and create a network of professionals to advocate for TDT-promoting policies.

Programme/Policy Process:

Training methods combine teaching, interactive exercises, and case studies. A learning and competence assessment (pre-workshop and post-workshop tests) is utilized and a workshop evaluation is administered. Workshops are conducted in close coordination with in-country partners who provide CME accreditation.

Outcomes/What was learned:

Since 2011, KHCC has intercepted 1828 professionals from 19 countries, half of which trained through intensive 10- to 16-hour training workshops. Participants leave with improved knowledge (test scores rising from 53% pre-workshop to 74% post-workshop), and high levels of post-workshop confidence in offering counseling (79%) and prescribing medications (69%). Participants report workshops as valuable (score: 3.7/4) and content as practical (score: 3.4/4). Countries report intentions to develop a business case for deployment of TDT services, prioritize TDT within patient’s overall treatment plan, and use combination therapy. To-date, five clinics have been launched in Jordan, Dubai, and Oman, with plans underway in Morocco.

  1. Guidelines for implementation of Article 14 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. 2010. Retrieved from.: http://www.who.int/fctc/guidelines/adopted/article_14/en/ Accessed: Feb 2014
  2. World Health Organization. Global Health Professions Student Survey fact sheets and country reports. Retrieved from: http://www.emro.who.int/tobacco/gtss-matrix/ghpss-factsheets-reports.html Accessed: Feb 2014
  3. Rigotti NA, Bitton A, Richards AE, Reyen M, Wassum K, Raw M. An international survey of training programs for treating tobacco dependence. Addiction. 2009 Feb;104(2):288-96. DOI:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2008.02442.x.
  4. Moore D, Green J, Gallis H. Achieving Desired Results and Improved Outcomes: Integrating Planning and Assessment Throughout Learning Activities. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2009 Winter; 29(1): 1–15.