E-poster Presentation 2014 World Cancer Congress

A single community-wide, low-literacy and culturally appropriate education resource – is it possible? (#636)

Kathleen O'Connor 1 , Sarah Fisher 1 , Violet Platt 1
  1. WA Cancer & Palliative Care Network, WA Department of Health, Nedlands, WA, Australia

Background and Context:

The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) commenced in Western Australia in 2007. The Australian Government has identified a target cohort of Australians aged 50 - 74 years; however, staggered implementation has limited comprehensive promotion activities. Current NBCSP resources are verbose, intimidating invitees and negatively impacting on participation. Translating resources is costly and insufficient, as literacy in any language (English or country of origin) can be an issue among migrant residents aged 45 and over. As the NBCSP is a generic mail-out kit, there is no opportunity to tailor pack content to individuals.


To develop a single brochure to facilitate NBCSP participation that has cultural and low-literacy relevance and acceptability for the target cohort; and will potentially reduce costs in health promotion resource development.


An existing NBCSP brochure– “You’re lookin’ good on the outside, but what about the inside?” was identified as a suitable template. Select brochure illustrations will be used; whilst new illustrations are being purchased to broaden resource relevance (e.g. representation of ethnic groups and age groups). The brochure will be visually focused, with minimal text (Simple Measure Of Gobbledygook tested1 ) and will provide an illustrated step-by-step guide on how to complete the faecal occult blood test kit used in the NBCSP. Positive health messages will also be included.

Programme/Policy Process:

A project reference group was established in May 2014, comprising consumer and multicultural community agency representatives, as well as WA Health staff, to guide the brochure’s development. Formative evaluation through focus groups will test the brochure proof before publication

Outcomes/What was learned:

Evaluation of the final resource will include a randomised control trial whereby participation levels in the NBCSP are monitored in WA following the randomised inclusion of the brochure in kits being distributed. Findings will be presented at the conference.