Usha Salagame 2014 World Cancer Congress

Usha Salagame

Name: Ms Usha Salagame Current Position: PhD Candidate, Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit Cancer Council, NSW. Ph: 02 93341817 Fax: 02 83023559 Qualifications: M Sc. (Biotechnology) B Sc. ( Microbiology). Post graduate Certificate (Bioinformatics) Current: PhD student-Cancer Epidemiology Research Unit, The CCNSW Trends analysis in the use of Hormone Replacement therapy (HRT) and bisphosphonates and the relationship between the use of HRT and risk of breast cancer. Publications 1.A comprehensive review of cancer related biobanks in New South Wales Sydney: Cancer Institute NSW, October 2009. Welberry, H., Salagame, U, Wejbora, P, Roczo, D, Fernandez, R,Glass, P, Hepburn, A, Bishop, J. 2.Burden of Lung Cancer in NSW. Glass P, Craemer R, Tracey E, Hepburn A, Salagame U, Bishop JB. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia 3.Hormone-Responsive model of primary breast epithelium.. J of mammary gland biology and neaplasia, Dec 2009, 14(4):367-379. J. Dinny Graham, Patricia A. Mote, Usha Salagame, Rosemary L. Balleine, Lily I. Huschtscha and Christine L. Clarke 4.DNA Replication Licensing and Progenitor Numbers Are Increased by Progesterone in Normal Human Breast U Salagame,J. D Graham, P A.Mote, et al. Endocrinology, July 2009, 150(7):3318–3326. 5.Adenoviral-Mediated Expression of Human Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Protein- The Journal of Protein Expression and Purification 16, 202 - 211 (1999) 6.Structural Determinants of Ligand and Cell Surface Binding of Insulin-like Growth Factor-binding Protein-3 - The Journal of Biological Chemistry, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc., 1998, Vol. 273, No. 5, Jan1999, pp. 2631 - 2638

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